Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So today is tuesday and normal college kids would have class right? Well I did and didn't today. Confused? So am I. See, University of Cincinnati sends emails out to the students when we have delays or if school is cancelled all day. Of course I'm too lazy check for this and instead I look over to see if my roommate Allison is gone. She's sound asleep in her bed which makes me grin to myself. Not because of her sleeping that would be creepy. She normally has a class at this time and she never skips class resulting in my mind we don't have school today.

At this time, I roll over and fall back to sleep seeing as I have the flu and it's about eight in the morning. The next time I see my clock it says 1:09, which sent me into a panic instantly. I have a Geology Lab that started at 1. Frantically, I jump out of bed, get dressed, take my medicine, throw my hair that I didn't brush into a clip, throw on my jacket, scarf, boots and gloves and run out the door all the way for ten minutes to my class.

Walking in around 1:37, I glance around only seeing my lab partner and the Teacher Assistant. This actually worried me for some reason until they turn around to smile at me. That just made me feel a little creeped out. I sat down and starting doing the lab and finished it until Heather the lab partner asked, ''I already finished the lab and wrote our names on it...'' Thanks Heather for telling me this after three hours of lab. -_-

Now it's about 11 pm on the dot and my roommate is making videos for all of our friends with random Disney songs and it's odd that I find this normal and not strange at all. I guess that's what happens after two years of being roomies and dealing with each others crazy perks or I guess quirks. Most people are frightened by our behavior as we have coloring pages of Hello Kitty, Alice in Wonderland, Giraffes (Andre, Steve and Henry), Sam the Thanksgiving Man, Laundry picture and The Little Mermaid on the door of our bedroom. I think it's time for me to stop rambling and just watch Allison make more videos for our facebook friends, start eating my yogurt and refreshing my email page every five seconds in hopes that school is cancelled until 10 again so I don't have to take my math quiz.

Remember to always find your match to your missing sock! ♥

1 comment:

  1. Weeeeeeee!
    Jourdan has a blog!

    And this is a comment!
    A comment in which I have no idea what to say!

    Huzzah! :D
